TEDxNewEngland - Ideas Worth Acting On (Founded by BDG)

New England

We know that life offers many opportunities, gifts, and challenges. Our lives are defined by how to embrace the opportunities, appreciate the gifts, and solve challenges. Storytelling is the oldest form of teaching and learning. TEDxNewEngland seeks to find the people who can inspire others, and help shape a better world by sharing their stories, passions, discoveries, and personal journeys.

Often the negativity of our world receives most of the mainstream media focus and the positive news needs a better Press Agent. TEDxNewEngland has created a forum to shine a spotlight on the people with ideas, inventions, research, and passions to create a brighter future. In the future, the greatest natural resource on earth will be intellectual capital. New England is a world leader in the creation of intellectual capital and TEDxNewEngland is the natural forum to communicate the exciting work and ideas that are being developed to address the needs and challenges of individuals and society.

TEDxNewEngland is modeled and licensed by the TED Conference. (Technology Entertainment & Design). TED’s mission is “Ideas Worth Spreading” which is also the goal of TEDxNewEngland by bringing thought provoking and invigorating experiences to the residents of New England… and beyond.

TEDxNewEngland offers a combination of presenters and performers, all of whom must abide by the TED guidelines to “give the presentation of their lives” in 18 minutes or less. Art and music are essential elements in life, with the power to move, delight and inspire us. TEDxNewEngland also showcases the abundant artistic and musical talent that enriches our region.

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